Tabletop Gaming Center shares their love of games with CT Children’s patients
Tabletop Gaming Center, located in Newington, is a full-service hobby and game store with plenty of table space to play your favorite game on. They regularly host organized play opportunities and social meet-up nights for fans of specific game lines, as well as hosting open gaming any time the store is open. However, Tabletop Gaming Center also shares their love of games with patients at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
For more than five years, Tabletop Gaming Center has supported Connecticut Children’s by fundraising in their store and using those dollars to purchase thousands of dollar’s worth of games each year to donate to the patients seen at CT Children’s Medical Center. Games donated include Citadels, Smash Up, Dead of Winter, Battleship, Operation, and Clue.
They are currently holding another promotion in store to raise money to buy even more games to donate to the Medical Center before the winter months. Visit their Facebook page (@tabletopshopCT) to learn more about the current promotion!
Tabletop Gaming Center knows the importance of giving back to their local community and will continue to support Connecticut Children’s patients by donating games. “By investing in your local community, you hope to see your local community invest in you,” said Haldan Pfleuger-Smith, owner of Tabletop Gaming Center. “Everybody deserves to feel special during the holidays, and we will do everything in our power to make these children and their families know how special they are.” In 2019, they are also planning to host an Extra Life event in their store. Extra Life, which has raised more than $100,000 this year, is another fundraiser for CT Children’s in which participants play games to raise money for local sick children.