Local tabletop gaming shop The Portal hosts a successful Extra Life event
On November 3, the official day for Extra Life 24-hour gaming marathons, gamers gathered at The Portal gaming center in Manchester. Gamers were playing a variety of table-top games and they ended up raising $6,000 for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. The Portal donated an extra $1,000 bring their event total to $7,000 raised in 2018. The event brought The Portal’s four-year event total to more than $20,000.

“All types of board games are played—from larger social deduction games to head-to-head strategy games,” said manager Bryan Raddatz. “A few games that have been played most years are Two Rooms and a Boom, Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition, Codenames, Rhino Hero Super Battle, Smash Up and Pandemic.”
“Participation has been amazing,” noted manager Danielle Cleaver. “It is awesome to have all age groups join us for this day to play games for the kids. Each year, it grows more and more,” she said. “Time Machine and The Portal choose to support Extra Life and Connecticut Children’s because this is for the kids and it is a great way to spend family time.”
Thanks to The Portal for all your support for the Extra Life 24 Hour Game Day! Check out this recap of the event!